Sunday, December 28, 2008

new years resolutions...

so... i was thinking about this, considering the upcoming nature of 2009 and all...

first and foremost, i want to try to eliminate any usage of plastic grocery bags in 2009. small endeavor, but largely important nonetheless.

secondly, i've recognized that on a daily basis, i witness something absolutely incredible and amazing. no matter which genre of feeling this is drawing upon, it is a daily reminder of the awesomeness of existence. now, since most of these occurrences can be captured on film, i am going to attempt to make it a daily habit to photograph what i feel is THE photograph of the day, and blog about it. now, i can not promise that this will be a daily endeavor... maybe i could do a weekly post, like postsecret style, with one weekly post with seven photos... each photo du jour... and write a blurb on what i feel is necessary.

i think this is a fabulous idea and attempt to capture that which is this life. and i think a lot of times, many people see me as someone who they think exagerrates, as i'm constantly talking about the meticulous ridiculousness of the present moment in exasperated tones, and over-the-top commentary, such as something being the "most awesome/funny/groteque/odd/interesting thing i've ever seen/experienced".

this endeavor will be the opportunity to document that which is....
life through my eyes.

here are a couple that i've taken recently that represent a time/event/moment that i felt a compulsion to capture.

random sidewalk smiles

breakfast of champions

winter morning

on the road reminders

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

...and the beat goes on...

so as i was musing, i browsed the southwest website to check on flights.

and there was one lone flight. on my planned date of departure. from fort lauderdale, as i'll already be on the east coast. 97 dollars.

done and done.

here i come!

the woes of doing things... the right way?

so i get a call from sami last night that a room in her apartment is opening up. that lovely little centrally located haven, for an amazing rental price, in the heart of san fran. the one i stayed at during my remarkable trip in august.

only problem.... its open as of january 1st. (my intended move date is february 17th)

so anyone who knows me, knows that i'm spontaneous. i was trying to decide whether or not chelsea was a good or a bad influence last night because she's like "pick up and go!!!" and i'm like... "i can't! jamcruise!".... "so go after jamcruise!"

and then i start the list. need to save more money. haven't totally packed/rid yet. have all of my classes scheduled for january and february.

i mean, technically... i could just pick up and go. feasibly, its not the best plan. but then talk of omens get started and i'm wondering if this is an opportunity i'm looking to miss... or if its not a smart move to just pick up and jet out.

ah..... the joys of decision making.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

witching hour musings....

ok so it's that time of night, or morning should i say... although i have always felt that this time exists deep within the night.  i guess i've always felt drawn to the witching hour, as i call the 4 a.m. hour, due to its coexistence, its blurred boundaries, its ambiguity, its ambiance, and its haunting presence.
several years ago, i used to stay up til this hour and write, and write..... and look back at my musings days later to see the remnants of some plural inner poet.... some deep, dark place within myself only brought out by the chill of night before it turns into dusk.

i'm sitting in what i'd consider my last home here in this city.... surrounded by the mini-zoo that is the littles home... full of charming souls, who massage your head as you sleep, spoon you all through the night and daytime naps, and whom the most skiddish of them all comes out to greet you as you arrive home at four in the morning, after two nights of hard work on half a normal amount of energy due to this sickness i've managed to acquire... most likely from chelsea's essence on my pillow.  however irrational it is to say, having a piece of her with me here physically is a positive spin on this full body congestion.


so many ideas.  i feel as if my head is always saturated.  with ideas, with dreams, with understandings, small things i notice and mean so much to me;  i get so excited and so wrapped up in the intricacies of everything.  i feel as if i've lived a thousand times before, and probably have, but as if simultaneously, i experience everything with the incessant and unquenchable thirst of a child, drinking in life as if for the first time.

i've known for a little less than a year now that boundaries are an issue with me.  i don't have them.  i don't have a lot of practice putting them up.  and although admittedly there is a huge part of me that is naive about the necessity of such things, due to a lack of experience, there is another part of me that screams and feels quashed by the notion of having to put up these barricades.  why are they necessary?  'tis the season of giving, and everyone's all up in the buzz.... but here i am, spinning in circles, buzzing year round because this season never ends for me.  i just want to love.... and live.  and live... and love.  and for it to be okay for me to be excited about every little thing... and to not always be brought to tears of tribulation when i think about things like boundaries.
and expectations.
and disappointment.

i realize this is another issue of mine that needs further examination.  expectations.  and their eventual lead to disappointment.  somehow, my excitement mutates into some sort of expectation.  i know that i need to learn to let go of the result and just be.  i've actually had more than one person tell me that i'm the most present person that they know.  although i feel that at times i work very hard to be in the present, this notion is absolutely precarious to me... that someone would think that i am the most present person that they know.  i have inquired further into how these conclusions about me have been come to ... and it always comes back to my general excitement of life in the moment.  
i don't know what the flaw is within me that somehow transmits this excessive excitement (which i feel is one of my best and most unique qualities) into this production of expectations (excitement about possible future events, conversations, happenings, etc.) that takes me out of the moment and puts my excitement and energy into this phantom event, and then i end up here... in the present moment.... feeling confused, uncertain, and let down... 
ahhh... i just feel like this is making no sense.  can anyone who is taking the time to read this... or anyone who has taken the time to attempt to understand me... understand what it is i'm trying to convey?  is this something that can be viewed objectively as quite simple from an outsider?  or is this incessant babble mind chatter that only makes sense within the context of my own head?
how did i get here?
i come to wonder where all of this shit comes from sometimes.  is it innate?  is it completely subjective?  is it biological?  nurture?  does it stem from childhood...??
this last question seems interesting and pertinent to me today especially, because i am feeling especially disappointed in my father at the moment.  (this is not such an uncommon occurrence, but somehow, my disappointment in my father always leads me to somehow feel a disappointment about myself)
hence the situation of today..... i was asked yesterday when the last time i spoke to my father was.  i had said that i didn't remember exactly... maybe on his birthday... which was the end of october.  and then. no. i corrected myself.  i do believe it was on thanksgiving.
so i was thinking about my father today as i was walking back to my car from the saturday morning market and a lovely lunch with friends.  i was thinking the same thing i do everytime i get the urge to call him..... that this is stupid, and that if i'm thinking 'i really should call my father' and 'i haven't spoken to dad in a long time' and i think out the whole conversation and how i usually try to throw in 'i love you' at the end of the conversation, even if it's not reciprocated or he doesn't allow enough time for a non-awkward and sudden goodbye.
so i called. 
it was bad timing on my part... and then his return call was bad timing on his.  finally, we had a little while to talk on my way to work.
it amazes me how little we have to say to each other at times.  not that the words are not there, but the apparent shallowness of what is being said is so blatant to me at times.....
i know he tries to connect.  in his own way, whatever that means.  like asking me about how things are going with matt.  i guess that was his emotional in for this particular conversation.  but i can't help the one portion of the conversation that is sticking with me.
the fact that i told him i got into grad school.
and he had exactly two responses.
"good deal"
followed by a pause.
then a, "cool, cool".

apparently, i had an unbeknownst expectation about this particular conversation.  perhaps, i wrongly expected him to say something like "congratulations".  or "i'm so proud of you!".  after all, it is grad school.  its really no small feat.  its actually something that he hasn't accomplished.  something makes me think he'd be a little more responsive if it was an MBA.  something else deeper thinks even that still wouldn't be good enough.
or that's how it is perceived by me.
and then i think a little about childhood.
about how my two immediate younger siblings would come home with B's and C's ... and how if I came home with even one mark less than an A, it wouldn't be good enough.  not for me.  i even remember some strange semantic justification on his part about how they "didn't have the potential" that i did (which is horrifying to even write right now)... and how he "expected more from" me.... 

its interesting the combination of what has come out..  two things i know that i obviously need to work on/heal... this whole expectations and let down crisis.  and my relationship with my father.  they have both kind of culminated into this blur of the witching hour.... two parallel relationships... blurring together for the purpose of establishing this rant.

i know that i need insight, and even more self awareness and reflection to figure out this letting go of the outcome.... expectations leading to disappointment.  how does one practice such a thing?  other than catching oneself and being mindful..?  also, where is the boundary?  how do i allow myself to really feel something, and then know the exact moment when i'm supposed to let it go?  sure i can cope, or move onto something else, but how do i know when this too has passed until it has?!

and as far as the latter relationship goes.... i guess i'm really struggling with that boundary as well.  how do you heal a relationship that is one-sided?  or doesn't go deep enough to a space where healing takes place?  and once you realize that this has become unhealthy and outdated, or that the other person is comfortable never talking about the past, or trying to heal the wrongs.... how do i accept it for what it is?  and how do you let go?  is it letting go of expectation?  is it letting go of the concept of a deeper meaning?  is it the eventual letting go of this particular relationship?  one born of blood... but now so seemingly distant from all that else which could be called a relationship in this life.??

if any eyes should grace this, i am eternally grateful.  for the moment, it is turning to five am, my phalange joints are going stiff, and i'd really like to get my eyes closed and into the dream realm before the sun starts to rise.... and my body has gone through enough REM cycles for pignon's gentle head massages to rouse me from my sleep.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

viviendo la vida loca!!

yes....currently, at this moment.

what a crazy afternoon, or should i phrase it better by saying ...geez! who knew what could transpire in a half an hour.

so i graduated half of all of my lovely children today, including my little secret favorites... and that leaves exactly one more school of three classes til this session is complete.

anyhow, i got out of classes and decided to head to purchase some clothing for a little girl i've decided to buy for for christmas (at the bar, we decided to adopt a few families/children and forgo a christmas party)... i had received a text message from orel, filling me in on the fact that matt had proposed to her in jamaica.... so i was excited for them, as well as suddenly aware of my apparently upcoming, imminent role of maid of honor.

she called a couple of minutes later to tell me that she was pregnant... which had been revealed to me only minutes prior by someone who had heard from someone who had heard from someone... (and the beat goes on)

so i'm driving and suddenly, all the brake lights go on and everyone in the right lane is simultaneously halting (we were near the mall... i'd be willing to bet it was lack of blinker on someone's part).. and the fifteen feet b/w me and the car in front of me didn't allow my brakes, which seemed to be working shoddily suddenly to react.. so as i try to pull the e-brake... boom!

luckily, she and i are both uninjured and neither car is in horrible shape.

i get back into my car to a missed voicemail from the director of admissions at my graduate school.... who called sometime between the attempted braking and the exchange of information... to set up... an interview!! 
apparently, its the one step we have left.

i guess there is something to be said for timing (thanks to alicia, whose chipper optimism put the call happening at the time of the accident in perspective as a positive sign of good timing.....i get caught up easily at times)

so i've decided to forgo my pants, and spend the rest of the afternoon/evening in my house, where hopefully less shit can hit the fan :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


i've been taking more baths again, lately.  it really is a warm place of solace for my soul, embodied within my physical presence in the water.  i have a chapter left to read in The Shack... and it is coming, as all things do, at a very pertinent time.

chelsea leaves tomorrow.  she really has become my love, my life, my little wife, my irreplaceable companion over these last few months.  although i am truly sad, i am trying to instead just enjoy these final hours with her and be grateful.... feeling blessed at the time we have spent, and knowing that this is goodbye for now, and that no matter the distance on this earth, those close to one's heart are never very far away.  

as the emotions are welling in the bath, stemming from thoughts of moving on, change, and transition... which i know i feel for the present moment, and also for the impending moments to come.... there this quote finds me... lovely and pertinent, it helps me to keep perspective, and i am once again truly awed and inspired by the synchronicities of my existence:

"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and
put miles between you, but at the same time you can carry them with
you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not
just live in a world but a world lives in you"

-Frederick Buechner, Telling the Truth

Thursday, December 11, 2008

so.... i have officially applied to graduate school, and have officially decided to join the blogging community. i have made the latter decision for several reasons. although i was a little hesitant at first to commit myself to any more time online/with technology, i figure... i already write. and i never let others read my musings. so what a better place to get over myself than to put it all out there on the internet. it is quite the enchanting and humbling opportunity as a step towards one of my life goals of writing professionally.
also, we are at the place in time and history where people meet, communicate, and keep in touch online... so there is really no need for me to feel silly or hesitant in wanting to participate in the technological age which is our world. like it or not, the train will leave with or without us.
besides all of that, i am facing an imminent and upcoming cross-country move... which means that all of my close, proximal relationships will very soon turn into long distance ones. (this does not include my already existing long distance relationships, many of which are literally across the world)

so... thank you for stopping by. and welcome to my world. have a look around. share. enjoy. live and love.

p.s. below is my first post, which is my personal statement for admission to graduate school. its basically me getting naked, so have a looksee...

personal. statement.

My mother likes to tell the story of how I was named. She tells the story with grace and ease and a glint in her eyes that I have grown accustomed to over years of her recounting the experience. After receiving a positive result on a pregnancy test, she wrote a long letter to her parents, leaving it for them to read while she was at nursing school that day. Late in the afternoon, she stopped in a secluded, wooded park off of the highway to sit, think, and weep. Her sobs were interrupted by the feeling of a presence close by, and she looked up from the bench on which she was sitting to see a man standing before her. His eyes were warm and filled with compassion. “Do not fear,” he said in a calm, soothing voice. “The child inside of you will be named Sarah, and she will bring much healing to your family, and to the world.” She became baffled and perplexed. Although she had just found out she was pregnant, she had felt in her heart that the child she was carrying was a girl. Something about the man calmed her fears, soothed her grieving, and gave her assurance in the path her life would take. Giving herself a moment to breathe, she closed her eyes to take it all in. Feeling a compulsion to say something, she opened them only to realize that the man had vanished without a trace. To this day, my mother recounts this experience with pride and with an ethereal glow, the tale of how Sarah was named by an angel.

The story of my naming sets the stage for two very pertinent relationships in my life: my relationship with spirituality and my relationship with my mother. From its very inception, the relationship between my mother and I has existed as a multifaceted one: a relative, a soul mate, and a friend. I have always felt that I could come to her with absolutely anything, and that she would listen and accept me. This may be a result of her feelings that she can not be herself and be accepted, loved, celebrated and cherished within the contexts of her own family of origin. During her teenage years, the extreme transformation of her parents from liberal Catholics to born-again Christians resulted in denying her the basic freedoms which she had reveled in previously, and subsequently led to the freedoms which she so graciously showered upon me. Essentially, I became the embodiment of the free thinking, eccentric, strong willed lover of music, nature, and people; an identity stolen from her when her education was curtailed, her lovers forbidden, and her music and clothing were burned before her eyes in both a literal and symbolic gesture of the forced entrance of her new life. Embedded with a deep sense of spirituality and connection to the earth, ethereal realms, and indescribable otherworldly experiences, my mother passed her intuition and free spirit onto me. Together, we have always looked to the stars, to nature, and to the realm of our dreams to validate our experiences. The sacred feminine has always been alive and well throughout our relationship, through the context of the mother-daughter bond, strengthened by endless swapping of books and film, concerts and music shared, meals and sunsets together, tears, countless hours in bookstores, and innumerable conversations over coffee or tea.

I realize that the more I grow as an adult and as an individual, the more I am returning to my childhood roots; the subjects that interested me, the experiences that moved me, the ways which I utilized to cope, heal and grow, the instruments and voices which brought tears to my eyes and goose bumps to my skin, and in the connection to nature and human’s place within the world.

The thirst for knowledge, and seeking meaning and connection in all things have been pervasive themes throughout my life. From a very young age, I spent countless hours in libraries, soaking in everything I could about the human condition, the solar system, the paranormal, anthropology, cycles, the stars, and the origin stories of indigenous peoples, alive through oral traditions, but somehow missing from my history books. Many of these stories existed in an ambiguous area which could neither be classified as fact nor fiction; that which could not be proven or understood within the framework of societal requirements for calling these experiences objectively historical. However, I have always known in my heart that the great truths behind these powerful words do not require outside legitimization.

The elementary school I attended used no textbooks, so the tone was set at an early age for alternative, less conventional approaches to learning. The name of that school was Mariposa, meaning butterfly in Spanish, where each year we would watch the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a chrysalis, witnessing this transformation until they emerged as butterflies. This was my fourth grade year, the year we were required to start keeping journals, which would become not only a lifelong hobby, but also an intricate part of who I am, who I was to become, and how I would cope with all that would cross my path on this journey. My early education served as a huge influence on the course I would chart for myself for years to come, through reading, writing, and the metamorphosis that was witnessed in the butterflies, but which was adhered to deep within myself.

One notable metamorphosis within my life was being a part of the Women’s Studies department in college. This education not only opened my mind, but also the door for what was to transpire in my life and for my future. It instilled within me a deep sense of social responsibility, based on the growing accountability that comes with awareness. Whether it was reading spiritual memoirs, mobilizing the vote, or organizing trips to march on Washington D.C., this time within my life represents a time of vast transformation in understanding, knowledge, information, and activism. The conversations, interactions, occurrences, and soul sharing that occurred during this period will forever be an intricate part of who I am. The surrounding ambiance is something beautiful and unforgettable that played an irreplaceable role in my life and the lives of those around me. We refer to this time lovingly as “The Pink Bubble”.

The concept of synchronicity plays an integral and inseparable role in how I view, negotiate, and exist within my world. Serendipitous occurrences and events present themselves, and through the blessing of observation, I am able to view the beauty with which the melody plays out in my life. Looking back on this life, I see a parallel between the awareness of self and the way that my path has formulated. Once in a while, I become acutely aware of road blocks, which alter the effortless flow of energy, causing cessation and suffering. When I become mindful of this experience, I feel compelled to take necessary action to heal, change, and begin preparation for the next stage of metamorphosis. Through this process, life begins again to flow with ease, harmonically supported by the universe, bringing with it open doors, opportunities, and seemingly endless possibilities.

A particular example of this playing out in the recent past is when I moved to China in the late summer of 2006. Pending our decisions to put off graduate school for the time being, my significant other and I secured jobs teaching English overseas. The opportunity had presented itself in an interesting and enticing way, and we were excited about what we felt was the opportunity of a lifetime; to travel across the world, live in a culture completely different than anything we had ever dreamed of, and to get paid for doing so. In retrospect, I do not believe that I made the decision to go to China for the right reasons. Therefore, I feel that since I acted without awareness and not from the heart, I had to suffer the consequences in order to put things into perspective, by dealing with the repercussions of my decision. These included not being able to be there for my family, who were in need of support during the grieving process after several sudden deaths of close loved ones, the mental deterioration of my significant other, and the subsequent deterioration of our relationship. I learned incredible lessons as a result; most importantly that I need to make decisions mindfully and from the heart. It instilled within me the ability to make the most of my present situations, especially during times when the result is different than what was intended or expected. Despite the hardships and trials which were faced during my time in China, I am forever indebted to the time spent there, for it gave a new energy in my quest for knowledge, and also instilled within me a great passion for sharing my love of education with others. Also, this experience transitioned into securing the most fulfilling work that I have had in my life thus far.

While living in China, a dear friend and fellow Women’s Studies graduate had obtained a job back in Florida in a program called Peacemakers. The mission of this program is to employ the standards of peaceful coexistence and problem solving, teaching children how to work within themselves and together to create a more peaceful existence and a better world. The prior grant had been extended to create and implement a program for fourth and fifth grades, and there was an opening for a new Peacemaker. This opportunity called to me, and the timing was ideal. She recommended me for the job, I sent my resume, and after a follow up phone interview, I was offered the position upon my arrival back in the States. The years which followed have served as the most rewarding and lucrative work that I have ever had the blessing of being a part of.

As a Peacemaker and educator, I am in a unique position to inspire and excite a transformation in others. As I always tell the children, I feel that one of the best parts about my job is that I do not teach any skills or give any tools that they do not already possess within themselves. My position is merely to plant a seed, to get them thinking, to highlight and model ways of coping with emotions, communicating effectively with others, and advocating for peace within their lives and interactions. I see this as an opportunity to give kids the gifts I was given, such as the freedom of expression, an appreciation for diversity and uniqueness, and therapeutic creativity such as writing, while instilling in them the mechanisms to be able to deal with intense emotions and to make positive, peaceful, and proactive decisions that I feel may have been lacking in my own early education.

As educators in a global context, we have a powerful platform from which to start advocating for change and a transformation in consciousness. Our ability to connect with others on a physical and communicative level paves the way for exchange on the spiritual level. Universal language is expressed through our art and our music, connecting us at the most basic level of the soul, an understanding which requires no exchange of words. The intersection of education and creative expression on local and global levels opens a door for the great change which is to come. This new phase requires a conscious effort to keep our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts open, to learn, take in, and celebrate the diversity of this life and all contained within it. I feel blessed to exist in this unique place in history.

I currently find myself in a place of transition and transformation. I have been experiencing the necessary cyclical buildup of energy that precedes the ushering in of a new era, feeling this deep within my core, in my heart, and in the very essence which is my existence in this life. It feels that for a great deal of time now, I have been learning, growing, progressing, falling back, relearning, shedding, and blossoming. It is as if all of this preparation has led me to the place where I am at this exact moment in time, turning the page, starting the next chapter, both within myself and within this world. Through awareness of myself and my path, this incessant internal transformation that is taking place to and through me becomes the wave that moves the ocean, the wind that drives the storm. The groundwork has been laid, the dust from the turned page is beginning to settle, and the title of the next chapter is becoming clear. Inhaling the sweetness of this moment, taking into my being the light and peace surrounding me, I dance with the air, swirling into that which surrounds me, and that which is to come.

“I rejoice that I live in such a splendidly disturbing time.”
· Helen Keller