Tuesday, January 13, 2009

stolen from sami...... nonetheless pertinent

so while thinking about all of the things for which i am truly blessed and thankful for, i came across a dear friends blog in which she had posed a writing exercise prompting others to make a list of about twenty things to share..... some of your most favorite things in the world. however minute, however random, however important, however huge. i was inspired to create my own list of twenty, which i have decided to share here with you. please do the same, if you feel so inspired.
love and light!,

-staying in pajamas all day
-getting excited about everything like a kid
-walking ceaselessly, with no path in mind (looking forward to this LOTS in san francisco)
-any excuse to costume
-traveling far and wide, literally and in my mind
-outdoor music festivals
-wonderous celestial events
-laying around all day watching movies and doing nothing
-going out dancing with my ladies
-climbing random cheese (<~~~ha! i meant to write trees! i guess i have cheese on the brain!)
-outdoor markets
-getting creatively inspired
-long, sexy make out sessions
-soaking up sun, preferably in a tropical location
-curling up in a tub with a book, a bowl, and a cold cup of fresh oj
-being completely, ridiculously passionate
-falling in love with someone or something new everyday
-awareness of the beauty and intricacies of synchronistic life unfolding


  1. I did it, too. YAY for things we love. I especially like the climbing cheese!

  2. sarah, this is the face painted clown; masked weirdo; first night rager w/ you and the crew from floor Ocho (bleezy/darin - whichever you prefer). dude, you rock. i had a blast hanging with you guys, especially that first night when we all really got to kick it and talk about the person who shit on the pool deck. you made me laugh a whole bunch, and i'm thankful for that. i just wanted to say "hello" since i am not on the JC board. i enjoyed perusing through your JC pics.. I was happy to see my goofy ass in a couple of them! :) Keep on smilin', and I hope to see ya again next year! wooooord.

  3. i'm making another list, because i feel like it. and because i'm wastedly sick, i don't feel like doing anything better than reminiscing about jam cruise, planning my move, dreaming, and thinking about all the small things i'm in love with. so here goes:

    -smiling at complete strangers
    -good hugs and good huggers
    -carby, comfort food (scalloped potatoes, mac n cheese, texas toast)
    -my affinity for wanderlust
    -intense and constant affection
    -mix cd's
    -finding/making/buying perfect gifts for people
    -pertinent, poignant lyrics that fit the moment ideally
    -watching birds glide
    -being moved to tears by nature
    -having dinner/wine get togethers with good friends
    -meeting new soulmates
    -living room dance parties
    -finding a book i'd rather do nothing but read
    -little kids with big personalities
    -my nerdy knack for intense planning
    -the little birds that run into and away from the waves
    -the sound of cicadas
    -that moment before the sun goes down where everything in nature gets blaringly loud, and the subsequent moment where it immediately ceases
    -sending/receiving texts about awesome celestial shit that is going on at the moment (the moon, rainbows, planetary alignment, meteor showers)
    -the southwest united states
    -holding hands with my close girl friends
    -thinking about how strange it is to be anything at all
    -having no idea where this path is going, and loving every moment of it
    -sharing a good meal
    -staring into beautiful brown eyes
    -blue pens
    -my future dreams and plans of living in a country where the people are tanned, sexy, sensual, and spanish speaking
    -siestas, and any culture that embeds them into it
    -getting lost and then found
    -dark chocolate
    -having tea or coffee with mom
    -book talk
    -my siblings
    -a very nicely rolled joint
    -second hand clothing
    -crafty stuff
    -bodies of water
    -letting all of my cares drift into the sand below me
    -that beautifully, bittersweet moment when you are parting with someone you'll probably never see again and they tell you to have a nice life, and mean it, in only the most sincere form
