Sunday, December 28, 2008

new years resolutions...

so... i was thinking about this, considering the upcoming nature of 2009 and all...

first and foremost, i want to try to eliminate any usage of plastic grocery bags in 2009. small endeavor, but largely important nonetheless.

secondly, i've recognized that on a daily basis, i witness something absolutely incredible and amazing. no matter which genre of feeling this is drawing upon, it is a daily reminder of the awesomeness of existence. now, since most of these occurrences can be captured on film, i am going to attempt to make it a daily habit to photograph what i feel is THE photograph of the day, and blog about it. now, i can not promise that this will be a daily endeavor... maybe i could do a weekly post, like postsecret style, with one weekly post with seven photos... each photo du jour... and write a blurb on what i feel is necessary.

i think this is a fabulous idea and attempt to capture that which is this life. and i think a lot of times, many people see me as someone who they think exagerrates, as i'm constantly talking about the meticulous ridiculousness of the present moment in exasperated tones, and over-the-top commentary, such as something being the "most awesome/funny/groteque/odd/interesting thing i've ever seen/experienced".

this endeavor will be the opportunity to document that which is....
life through my eyes.

here are a couple that i've taken recently that represent a time/event/moment that i felt a compulsion to capture.

random sidewalk smiles

breakfast of champions

winter morning

on the road reminders


  1. This is going to be a fabulous thing to continue!
    I love you!

  2. wonderful work , great blog love to see any time.
