Sunday, February 1, 2009

how do i wanna feel??... i wonder....

transcribed from my bathtub journal entry:

i wish sometimes that i was less quick to frustrate when it comes to my impatience

especially when it comes to my emotions and my perception of people toying with them.
i really respect dorian's musing that "it is really none of my business what others think of me."
i wish i could legitimately hone in and ascertain that endeavor for myself. feels like something that will take some work.
in the meantime, i've decided to forgo superbowl mania and girl on girl on girl on joel boating time to instead make sunday the lazy, pensive, creative day it is supposed to be.

more development on my dreaming tree. i've brought down the moon with a rainbow, "electric feel"-esque aura and stuck it in its rightful place, high in the sky in the upper right of the canvas. the tree itself was starting to look less and less 3-dimensional with the swirly buildup of the background color... and although i was slightly discouraged when my attempt to highlight the large face turned into a resemblance of george washington, i forged a creative breakthrough... i'm going to collect small twigs from special places and use them to build up the tree. i think it will make a beautiful addition to this newly mixed media creation. think i'm actually going to spring myself from the tub momentarily to request a twig donation from my ethereal relatives in the northeast, and maybe a special twig or two from a special twig on an island off the coast of spain... :)

3 pages left in my journal...

and a photo of the newly added electric feel moon, perched high above my dreaming tree...

and a couple more photos, as i promised but have not been producing:

heather and my legs, awaiting the arrival of chelsea love at the airport. as the universe would have it, we were unintentionally in the same place at the same time.

my favorite little boy in St Pete, Amai, drum master and child muse, playing himself silly at my favorite little saturday morning market. (i swear i would produce children if they were guaranteed to come out just like him...)
downtown st pete. yesterday.


  1. You're an Arian my love...impatience is one of your blessings and challenges. Embrace the aspects of yourself that frustrate you the most, and love yourself not inspite of them...but because of them. Stand slightly apart and look upon yourself with the same wonder and unconditional love and acceptance, that you so beautifully bestow on everyone else.

  2. wow april. i needed those exact words at this exact moment. thank you.

    p.s. you're so right. but you knew that.

  3. As requested, here is my 25 but I didn't know where you wanted me to post it. Namaste!!!!

    25 Random Things About Dorian Harmon
    Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 1:54pm | Edit Note | Delete
    Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

    (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

    1- I love being 60. There is a magical peace that comes with being a Crone. (chick, maiden, mother, crone)

    2-I believe everyone should make up their own religion. Take pieces of some of them, discard most of them, and believe in what makes sense and that the golden rules are included. ...don't lie, kill, steal, hurt, envy. Do unto others even if others don't do unto you...don't take more than you need, love one another. Forgive. and be constantly amazed at this magnificent Dance we're all part of.

    3-I do and I don't believe in reincarnation...but if it is a fact, I'm NOT coming back to this planet, anyway.

    4-This is NOT the planet to become famous on.

    5-Now that Obama is President, I would be happy never to watch the News again. I'm so sick of suits and talking heads.

    6-My husband is my best friend and most caring, loving Being I've ever met.

    7-There are no mistakes. The Universe is unfolding as it should.

    8-What anyone else thinks of me is none of my business.

    9-I've written books I've never tried to publish or let hardly anyone read. I read them every few years and get such pleasure from them especially since they're not created to be public, thus, no explaining, editing or let downs. MINE I tell you, all mine.

    10-I have to be creating something or I go stir it knitting, sewing, drawing, building Sims houses and cities, and I love doing 2 or 3 at a time while watching TV.

    11-I love staying home....being alone, and having no plans, appointments, visitors, or chores.

    12- I love snow days when Gary gets to feel what number 11 feels like but with me.

    13-I'm so glad I didn't end up moving to Hawaii. I love New England and the beauty outweighs it;s discomforts.

    14-I feel triple-blessed by my children. Each one is so unique, creative and successful in the most important ways, loving and being loved. They are fun, funny characters that have made life exciting. They are now my mentors of the modern day.

    15-I can't stand talking on the phone.

    16- I like to sass and give doctors a hard time. They think they know us, that we're all alike, but no. I listen to my own body and mind and appreciate my health.

    17-I've lived in three different countries, and visited several others, and I can honestly say, there is NO place like home. How lucky I feel to be born here.

    18- I think computers/the internet the best creation ever and living in an era when they didn't exist, I love seeing the 'change' it brought to the global village. It's a great equalizer.

    19-I often wonder what the colors we can't see are like.

    20-I need a good book to love....and one without vampires, or fresh anti-mom teenage daughters.

    21-Would love to 'zen' down to a one room dwelling with a big southern window. Solar and wind power. green green and green.

    22-wish I could remember my dreams more clearly and write them down.

    23-I wish I could get 'take out' in Westville, NY. What a drag, not even pizza!

    24-No garden of any magnitude this summer. Last years was awful. The tomatoes tasted like nothing.

    25-Love my Sophia and Kai, grandbabies extraordinaire! I have a feeling there will be a few more next year or so. I get much joy seeing my kids friends babies and families. And the beat goes on.
